中国科学院自动化研究所   联系我们    English

The Neural Mechanisms underlying Face Processing

Lecture Series in Intelligent Perception and Computing 

    TITLE):The Neural Mechanisms underlying Face Processing

SPEAKER: Ning Liu, Professor

(CHAIR)Dr. Jing Dong

    (TIME)10:00AM, October 9 (Wednesday)2019

    (VENUE) 2nd Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Intelligent Building


As social animals, we need to acquire, analyze and exchange information that is highly related to social communication and interaction in a timely and effective manner. Faces are an important carrier of such information. Faces convey a wealth of information including situationally invariant information (e.g., facial identity, age, gender, race), variable information (e.g., individual’s emotion, intention, attention), and personality information (e.g., attractiveness and trustworthiness). Moreover, both human and non-human primates have developed excellent skills in recognizing and discriminating a wide variety of faces. This talk will present a series of studies combining behavioral assessment, fMRI, computational modeling, etc., to explore the relationship among face traits and its underlying neural mechanisms.


Dr. Liu received bachelor's degrees in both Biological Sciences and Computer Science & Technology from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 2002. In 2007, she obtained her Ph.D. from the Kunming Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science (CAS). Since then, Dr. Liu had been working with Dr. Leslie G. Ungerleider in the Laboratory of Brain and Cognition at National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) as a Postdoctoral Fellow and then a Research Fellow. In 2016, Dr. Liu joined the Institute of Biophysics, CAS, as a Principal Investigator. Her main interests are understanding the neural mechanisms underlying social cognitions, and developing new diagnostic tools and treatment strategies for psychiatric diseases.


中科院自动化研究所 智能感知与计算研究中心
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